Role of a Marriage Celebrant

So a Celebrant Just Rocks Up on the Day and Marries You, Right? Uh, Wrong Answer!

I can't tell you how many times I've heard comments like this one, and if I'm honest, it does trigger me! But who am I to judge? I don't believe there's enough education out there about the role of a Celebrant. Another contributing factor to this misconception is that the role and service offerings of a Marriage Celebrant have changed significantly over the last 10 years, which explains the variation in services and pricing offered by different Celebrants.

So, Let’s Start at the Top—What Qualifications Does a Marriage Celebrant Need?
To become an Authorised Civil Celebrant in Australia, one must undertake a Marriage Celebrant Course through a registered provider. This course can take 6-12 months to complete and includes practical assessments, often requiring up to eight mock ceremonies to ensure the candidate is ready for the job. Once the course is completed and passed— and believe me, it involves a lot of blood, sweat, and tears—the Marriage Celebrant must then apply to the Attorney-General's Department. This application includes references, further payments, and, if approved, results in a 'license' to marry. To remain competent as Marriage Celebrants, ongoing professional development and license fees are required, ensuring we have the skills and legal knowledge needed.

So, What’s Next?
Setting up a business! This varies depending on the Celebrant's experience and ability to invest in running a small business. This includes costs for professional association fees, websites, social media management, workflow tools, taxation reporting, superannuation, professional insurance, lead management, and all the other fun stuff that comes with owning a small business and managing this ongoing.

Now for the Fun Part—A Couple Signs up to Get Married!
A couple often signs up after reviewing our socials, websites, or through referrals. If we're free—and often we're not, as couples tend to book venues first and leave the celebrant until later—the process begins with their journey. Unlike other professionals who can reschedule, we often have to say no to work due to conflicting dates, so it's crucial to book your celebrant early; otherwise, you might miss out on your chosen one. This journey can take about 20 hours of work for a full ceremony, from the first hello to lodging their documents. The process includes Zoom meetings, legal questionnaires, invoicing, service agreements, ceremony planning discussions, legal checks of identification, signing the Notice of Intended Marriage, ceremony drafting, and more. There's also assistance with vows, music guides, rehearsals, printing legal documents, and making any final adjustments. Are you exhausted yet?

We Haven’t Even Started Getting Ready for the Ceremony!
The preparation often starts mid-morning, ensuring we look the part with makeup, hair, and outfits that meet the aesthetic brief. We arrive early, do sound checks, ensure everything is set up, meet with other vendors, and discuss any logistical considerations. We also deal with last-minute dramas—this is where the emergency kit comes in handy: zip ties, makeup wipes, scissors, sticky tape, sunscreen, baby wipes, lipstick, hairbrushes, clips, band-aids, lollies for bribing children, and even dog poop bags for the nervous pooch!

Holding Space at the Ceremony
Next, we meet guests, greet everyone warmly, brief the bridal party, and help with any last-minute nerves. We coordinate with the other party to ensure they are on track. Once everyone is ready, we finally start the ceremony! It typically lasts about 30 minutes, during which we manage the proceedings, share the couples love story, and watch their dream ceremony come to life. Seeing the couple exchange vows and witnessing their unique ceremony unfold is something I never tire of. This is the consolidation of all the hard work over the past 12-18 months, and it’s incredibly rewarding.

After the ceremony, I usually take a moment to enjoy the atmosphere, sometimes with a glass of bubbles – please offer your Celebrant one! Then, I pack up, do a final check of the legal paperwork, take some lovely photos, give hugs and kisses to my couple, and head home for a quiet moment before home life begins again.

Oh, But We’re Not Done Yet!
On Monday morning, I’ll lodge the legal paperwork with the BDM site, which needs to be done within 14 days of solemnising the marriage. I then confirm with the couple once the paperwork has been registered, providing them with name change information and sending them my final well wishes. We exchange photos and joyful moments before I start following their journey on social media—by this point, we’re practically mates, and I love watching my couple journeys like they’re my adopted children.

So, the next time you hear someone say that a Marriage Celebrant just rocks up on the day, you’ll be a little wiser and more equipped to respond with, “Oh no, they do so much more than that! Did you know they’re the only wedding vendor that legally requires a qualification and often have 80% of the work done before the ceremony even commences. 


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